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Sitemap Couldn't Fetch in Google Search Console

Discussion in 'Google Sitemaps' started by Braelyn, May 17, 2024.

  1. #1
    I'm having an issue with my website https://gradescalc.com/. When I try to submit my sitemap to Google Search Console, I receive an error message saying "Sitemap could not fetch." I've double-checked the URL, and it seems correct.

    Despite the efforts, Google Search Console still can't fetch it. Has anyone else experienced this issue? What steps did you take to resolve it? Any advice or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!
    Solved! View solution.
    Braelyn, May 17, 2024 IP
  2. MaxPowers

    MaxPowers Well-Known Member

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    How long since you've submitted it? That is a "fresh" error while they queue up your sitemap in their system. If that is less than a few days old, it might be ok to breathe.
    MaxPowers, May 17, 2024 IP
  3. Braelyn

    Braelyn Greenhorn

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    I submitted around 5 days ago
    Braelyn, May 18, 2024 IP
  4. ElenaVital

    ElenaVital Greenhorn

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    I think this is the line that should be in your robots.txt:

    Sitemap: https://gradescalc.com/page-sitemap.xml
    ElenaVital, May 18, 2024 IP
  5. #5
    I am assuming that since you've double checked it in GSC against the live URL and it all checks out that it will show up in GSC as the sitemap is crawled by Monday (today is Saturday). You are at the edge of where they should be picking it up. If it is an old sitemap, not updated frequently, then it could take up to 2 weeks or so before they circle back for an updated look at the sitemap. It depends on how they prioritize things amongst trillions of measurements to figure priority.

    Once they crawl your sitemap, it should be a few days or more before they crawl the links in it and make a determination on the URL. After this, there is a wait while they decide how to display your pages.

    If it is in your sitemap, the link will show up in one of the categories on the Pages tab in GSC. It will be categorized as whatever it gets categorized as, and this category may point to other issues.

    Within a 5 day window, it could too easily be a freshness issue with the new data and all you can really do is wait. Watch the phases in GSC as your sitemap is crawled, the link shows up in pages as either indexed or with an error, then address the error you get for a specific URL.

    Google handles billions of URLs and does a decent job of it, but there are some delays for things to get calculated amongst the billions of other calculations.

    One of the most common support emails I get is about things taking their sweet time inside of Google. There are some metrics you can look for first to know that things are happening behind their curtain of secrecy like watching the stages of that new sitemap get picked up over the course of a few weeks or a month.
    MaxPowers, May 18, 2024 IP
  6. Braelyn

    Braelyn Greenhorn

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    Thanks for your help ... I'm checking and sorting it out again
    Braelyn, May 18, 2024 IP
    MaxPowers likes this.
  7. Braelyn

    Braelyn Greenhorn

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    I will have any issue I will post it again here ... Thanks for Everyone
    Braelyn, May 18, 2024 IP